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Guide to your stay Sciacca

Church of Santa Maria del Giglio
The church of Santa Maria del Giglio was built in 1641. The façade was rebuilt in 1966 and has a cusped bell tower in the upper part, while in the lower part there is a vestibule entrance with three windows above.
Entering inside, it is shaped like a Latin cross and has three aisles divided by columns and a very low dome. The internal decorations are from the 1700’s, the paintings of the central aisle are by Luigi Schittone and Luciano Vitabile and depict the tomb of the Madonna, the Assumption and the coronation of the virgin. Also of these two artists are the paintings on the dome representing four evangelists. Starting from the right aisle we find the wooden statue of the Sacred Heart, in the second altar the statue of Saint Anthony of Padua, in the third the statue of Saint Francis. On the right-hand side of the cross is the canvas of the nativity with a valuable frame from 1628. Next to it is the painting of the sacred heart. On the high altar there is a wooden statue of the Immaculate of 1722. On the left wall of the altar there are the paintings with the annunciation and the original sin, while on the right wall there are the frescoes of the proclamation of the dogma of the immaculate and the Franciscan saints. Next to the high altar on the left side, there is the painting of the scourging of the Lord, next to it there is a crucifix and in the background we can see Saint Francis and the souls of purgatory. On the first altar there is a painting of the Madonna del Giglio, in the second there is a wooden statue of San Calogero from 1400, in the third altar there is the statue of San Eligio. Following is a large canvas depicting Saint Gregory.