What is there to visit?
Guide to your stay in Sciacca

Church of San francesco di Paola
The church of San Francesco of Paola begun construction in 1627 and was completed in 1749. The external façade has a large doorway with baroque swirls and cornucopias. The interior has a single crossed aisle and sunken chapels with nine altars. Among the works of art preserved in this church that deserve particular attention include the painting of the Holy Family, of the nativity and of the deposition of Mariano Rossi. From the same painter is also a painting of the Madonna del Carmine, an oval framed painting of that era and a wooden crucifix on the altar. On the altars there are also the wooden statues of the Holy Father, of Saint Apollonia and San Sebastiano. The paintings on the vault of the altar are the work of the local artist Luciano Vitabile.